Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

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Dark Chocolate Is Good For You


Eating Chocolate is one of lives pleasures, it delicious taste provides us with much pleasure and enjoyment.httprdmmedia.topscms.comRDMCityTVPublishedimagesee2c8224877745ba8091c172dc4ad818-475x315

What many of us do not realise is just how good it is for us, it actually provides many health benefits due to its high level of flavonoids.

All we need to benefit from its health giving properties is just a few squares a day (about 30 calories)

Here Are 5 Reasons Why Chocolate (in particular dark) is good for you

  • Cocoa has properties that help to lower cholesterol levels and also reduce blood pressure. It helps to dilate and relax arteries which eases blood flow, lowering blood pressure. Dark chocolate is very high in flavanols which help to reduce the build up of plaques that fur or clog the arteries. These also help to destroy the free radicals (toxins) that collect in our body as these can cause our cholesterol levels to rise.
  • Cocoa is also known to reduce depression; it is a potent source of the feel good hormones serotonin and dopamine. These are neurotransmitters that help to regulate mood, fight fatigue, and help to slow the ageing process.
  • Cocoa has both antioxidant and anti ageing effects, its flavanol’s provide vitamins and other health benefits to our skin. By boosting blood flow to the skin, it helps to maintain our skins healthy glow and boosts skin rejuvenation.
  • Dark Chocolate in particular can enhance moods by promoting the release of endorphins in the body. These help to create an improved feeling of well being and happiness
  • Rather surprisingly, dark chocolate has appetite suppressing qualities which can help with losing weight, taken in small quantities it is a perfectly suitable substitute for those with a sweet tooth. But beware, if it’s eaten in two larger quantities it can go the same way as other sweets – straight to your hips!!!


We Cannot Think Of Anything Else That Tastes So Great, And Offers So Many Health Benefits

The information in this website is for advice and guidance only. It is based on my own intensive research and personal experiences, and is not intended in any way to replace professional medical advice, or to diagnose or treat any health conditions. All rights reserved.