How To Keep Our Skin Looking Younger

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How Can I Avoid Ageing Skin

Most of us think we know what to do to keep our skin looking younger, but in article-2455521-021BF68D000004B0-50_634x286truth for many of us, we simply listen to what the cosmetic companies tell us. For this reason, women can spend millions of dollars each year on skin care treatments that are ineffective.

Our skin is the main protector of our body and care should always be taken to care for and protect it from the sun and everyday influences that could cause it harm.

With so many products available to buy in pharmacies, supermarkets and online it can be a minefield deciding what to choose and buy.

How To Start

Good Skin care starts from within, failure to eat well and drink sufficient amounts of water can and will cause the skin to dry out, become loose and line very easily.

Toxins in the environment (often referred to as free radicals) play a major part in the ageing process, causing lines, wrinkles and sagging. The effects of thse can be reversed with good antioxidants.

Our Diet

img-drinking-water-systemsDrinking at least 6 glasses of water a day will keep the skin fully hydrated and plumped, with our food, we also need to try and avoid high levels of carbohydrates as these can harm the natural levels of collagen and elastin that help to retain our skins firmness.

Lifestyle And Stress

A hectic lifestyle can and will cause ageing to the skin, lack of sleep along with the harmful free radicals can slow the skins replenishing processes causing the body to lose its moisture content leading to dryness and the forming of lines and wrinkles.

Exfoliate Daily

Exfoliation is known to be a great way to keep your skin looking younger, gentle exfoliation removes dull grey skin cells, and boosts circulation to the skins surface, helping to maintain a healthy glow

Exposure To The Sunbasal-skin-cancer

It’s important, even in winter to always use a sun screen on your face, although the sun feels great on our face, its harmful rays can dry our skin beyond repair.

Its important to start and adhere to a strict daily skin care regime, ensure that you buy and use the correct skin care products for your skin type and always use the best that you can afford. Daily toning, moisturising and feeding of the skin layers will make a dramatic difference to the ageing process.

The information in this website is for advice and guidance only. It is based on my own intensive research and personal experiences, and is not intended in any way to replace professional medical advice, or to diagnose or treat any health conditions. All rights reserved.