Now Available in Australia – Prime Shred The Hardcore, Triple Action Fat Burner
If you are trying to lose weight and really struggling to lose those final few pounds, you might be interested in hearing about an exciting new fat burning supplement from the UK.
Now readily available here in Australia, its called Prime Shred and since its launch last year its been setting the benchmark for generating fast weight loss without affecting hard earned muscle mass.
Lets Check It Out:
What Is Prime Shred
Prime Shred is a fat burning product with a difference. It is made by reputable UK based manufacturers muscleclub ltd.
It works in three seperate ways, by using a scientifically developed blend of clinically researched ingredients that work in synergy with each other to maximise our bodies natural fat burning processes.
In simple terms it helps you to lose more unwanted fat and helps it to stay off. Whats more if you an active person who has worked hard to build muscle, Prime Shred safeguards your muscle mass.
Check Out Prime Shred And The Latest Deals At Official Website

How Does Prime Shred Work?
Prime Shred triggers lipolysis which is a natural process where fat is broken down in the body and converted into a source of energy.
It boosts and speeds this process, meaning that you feel energised, helping you to get more out of your workouts and overall burn more fat.
It helps to increase the bodies natural metabolism, increasing the bodies core temperature slightly which encourages it to look for additional sources of energy.
This process continues even while you sleep, helping you to burn fat around the clock.
Prime Shred formula also help you reduce the amount of fat and carbohydrate being absorbed from your diet. It converts these calories into energy instead of body fat.
It has another effect too, it boosts energy levels and also focus and concentration.
These can reduce when you are on a diet, causing feelings of lethargy and fatigue. The formula contains two special components that help boost mental awareness and focus.
Green coffee and green tea help to encourage the release of dopamine and epinephrine, two key neurotransmitters that help to boost alertness and focus helping you to get through the day ahead.
Whats In The Formula In PrimeShred?
PrimeShred has been formulated in clever and scientific way. These ingredients are some of the best available delivering potent fat burning results.
Each serving includes:
- Green tea extract 500mg
- Rhodiola Rosea 250mg
- L-Tyrosine 300mg
- L-Theanine 250mg
- Caffeine Anhydrous 225mg
- Cayenne Pepper 200mg
- Green Coffee 100mg
- DMAE 150mg
- Vitamin B Complex – comprising 15mg of B3, 1.3mg of B6 and 24mcg of B12
- Bioperine 5mg
The outer capsule is made completely from plant based materials.
This makes Prime Shred 100% safe and suitable for vegans.
How To Use PrimeShred
The makers suggest taking three capsules about 20 minutes before breakfast – always drink a glass of water with the capsules, this will speed an aid absorption
What Do Users Say about Prime Shred?
As a newish product, it is taking time to see a lot of independent user reviews out there, but the ones that are being posted are all encouraging.
Women(and Men) across the world are loving it for its clean, safe formula, and the way that it delivers an extra source of energy, helping its users to burn unwanted fat fast without any side effects that can be experienced with some weight loss supplements.
Does It Any Side Effects?
There are no reports of any adverse reactions or side effects.
This is unlike some products that simply rely on large amounts of stimulants that can cause unwanted effects such as the shakes, jitters and problems sleeping.
Basically if you can drink a cup of coffee without any problems, you will be perfectly fine with PrimeShred.
The only time that you should NOT take Prime Shred is when you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Where To Buy Prime Shred In Australia
Buyers in Australia, New Zealand and surrounding areas can order PrimeShred directly from the official website (
Here a tub containing a months supply will cost you AU$ 79.95
You can save money by ordering 2 or more tubs:
Buy 2 get 1 FREE for AU$159.95
Buy 4 get 2 FREE for AU$229.95
Cash Back Guarantee
The makers are so confident of their product that they offer all buyers a 100 day cash back guarantee that assures them of a full refund should they be unhappy with their purchase.
Our Conclusion
The fat burning marketplace is packed with products, all making wild, often over hyped claims about their effects and benefits.
PrimeShred is quite possibly the best all round fa burning supplement out there, its formula is really well thought out, it delivers fats fat loss without any of the side effects that can be experienced with some products.
The fact that the makers also provide a 100 day cash back guarantee highlights not only their sheer belief in their product but also their desire for optimum customer satisfaction.