Confitrol24 Review : Control Those Embarrassing Bladder Leaks

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Now Available here In Australia – Confitrol24 : Helps To Reduce Bladder Leaks, Bladder Control and Urinary Incontinence.

Confitrol24 Overview and Product Review

If you are one of the millions of people who have experienced the indignity of a leaky bladder in public, you really need to read this Confitrol24 Review. 


Confitrol24 is not just another supplement for people with a weak bladder. 

This is a potentially life changing product that can help women and men reduce embarrassing urine leakage and those sudden urges to run to a toilet. It is also proven to help boost unitary tract health and guard against the effects of ageing on the bladder.

Made with a powerful blend of natural compounds called Urox®. This was developed by clinical specialist doctors and has been proven to reduce nighttime urination by up to 50%. **

This fact alone can improve your life, imagine not having to get up in the middle of the night to pee !

Why Take Confitrol24

Urox® Proprietary Blend – A scientific blend of 3 nutrients that combine to help support bladder tone, control and he health of your urinary tract

Clinically Approved Results – Urox® has been subjected to extensive clinical tests and has been shown to help reduce day and night time urination, leaking bladder and that need to wear incontinence pads.

Made in a cGMP-compliant facility in the US – The product is manufacturers to exacting standards in a quality controlled, sterile environment – This ensures that only ingredients of the highest quality and purity are used in the product

Who Is Confitrol24 For – It has been developed to be used by any man or woman aged 21 and over who is suffering the indignity of a leaky or weak bladder. 

Its available to buyers throughout Australia and in fact worldwide (with a few exceptions)

Click Here To Go To Official Confitrol24 Website For More Information

What Is Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary Incontinence is the medical term for a weak, leaky bladder, a rather embarrassing and all too common problem that effects both sexes.

Its symptoms can range from a slight leakage of urine when you cough, sneeze or laugh, right up to the needing to urinate urgently and just cannot hold on long enough to get there.

Its more common as we age, but that doesn’t mean that just because we are are getting older that we will get urinary incontinence. If you do start to experience the problem then see your doctor, there are many things that can help the majority of people reduce the symptoms including simple lifestyle changes as well as medical treatment.

Identifying Urinary Incontinence

Its a problem that effects many people, the severity can vary considerably

Types of Urinary Incontinence Can Include:

Stress Incontinence – You experience a slight leak of urine when you bought, sneeze, laugh, exercise or lift something heavy – 

Overflow Incontinence – Your bladder fails to empty properly, causing a frequent dribbling of urine

Urge Incontinence – Sufferers often experience sudden and urgent need to urinate, often without any prior warning. They can also wake more during the night to urinate. This can sometimes be the result of an infection, diabetes and even neurological conditions.

Functional Incontinence – An unrelated physical issue or impairment keeps you from making it ti the toilet in time – as an example severe arthritis could make undoing clothing quickly when you desperately need to urinate.

Mixed Incontinence – You are experiencing two or more of the types listed above

Remember – See Your Doctor if the problem is having a marked effect on your ability to live a normal life –

Severe cases of Urinary incontinence could mean:

  • A more serious health condition
  • Increase the risk of falling in the elderly
  • Restrict your general life and social activities

Causes of Bladder Leakage

A leaky bladder isn’t an actual disease, its a symptom of other health problems and also some everyday habits including diet and lifestyle.

Its a recognised fact that certain foods and drinks can act as diuretics, basically stimulating your bladder and boosting the amount of urine that you produce.

These can include:

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Chocolate
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Hot, spicy foods contain chilli or similar
  • Some citrus fruits
  • Taking too much vitamin C

Some medications, including those for blood pressure and heart conditions, Sedatives and muscle relaxants.

Urinary Incontinence can be the result of some easy to treat medical conditions – As an example a Urinary tract infection (UTI) can irritate the bladder, causing strong, urges to urinate, and incontinence.

Being constipated can also cause bladder leakage, the rectum is situated near the bladder and the share the same nerves. A hard, compacted stool trapped in your rectum could cause these nerves to become overactive and increase the frequency of urination

Causes of Persistent Urinary Incontinence can be caused by physical changes and problems that include:

Pregnancy and childbirth – Hormonal changes, and the added weight of the unborn child can place more strain on the bladder.  Childbirth can weaken the pelvic floor muscles, harm the nerves  surrounding the bladder and weaken the supporting tissues which can ultimately cause a dropped pelvic floor.

Ageing and the Menopause – As we get older, its natural for the muscles that control the bladder to become weaker, this can reduce the amount of urine that the bladder can hold and also can increase involuntary bladder contractions. 

The menopause causes hormonal reduction in the female body that can lead to changes (deterioration) in the tissues that make up the bladder lining. As these deteriorate, they can aggravate incontinence.

Hysterectomy – Surgery to remove the uterus can damage the muscle group that supports the sexual organs and bladder. This can cause bladder weakness and incontinence

Prostate Problems – In men the prostate can become enlarged, (sometimes with cases of prostate cancer) this can cause urinary problems

Urinary Stones – Hard masses like stones that can form in the urinary tract, these can obstruct and causes problems passing urine

Factors and Risks Of Becoming Incontinent

The facts that can determine the chances of becoming incontinent include:

Gender – Its a fact that women are more at risk of developing stress incontinence, pregnancy, menopause, childbirth and the general email anatomy can all account for this. men with prostate problem ar also ore likely to develop the problem

Age – Getting older causes the muscles responsible for bladder control to become weaker. This reduces the amount of urine that your bladder will hold and the ability to control urination.

Obesity – weighting more than you should places a strain on your body, your muscles and bladder. This causes muscle weakness, allowing for that dribble or urine to come out when you cough, laugh or sneeze

Smoking and Alcohol – Both are known to increase the risk of incontinence

Genetics – If others in your direct family have incontinence problems, there is every chance that you will also be at risk of developing them.

User Reviews – What Do Users Of Confitrol24 Say?

There are hundreds of users reviews out there, virtually all of them report good things with reports of reduced night time urination as well as fewer cases of embarrassing leakage while out and about.

Men and women of all ages just love the way that they can live their lives without the worry of urinating at inopportune times

Its simple to take, just 2 capsules a day is all thats required.

Reduces Overactive Bladder Symptoms!

“The outcome of this study demonstrated both statistical significance and clinical relevance in reducing symptoms of OAB, urinary frequency and/or urgency and incontinence.”

– BMC Complement Altern Med. 2018; 18: 42. Published online 2018 Jan 31. doi: 10.1186/s12906-018-2101-4

Decreases Urge to Urinate!

“Research has shown that crateva improves the tone of the bladder wall and decreases residual urine volume.”

– Seipel Group

Improves Quality of Life!

“Research with crateva and horsetail combined showed they reduce the symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB) and urinary incontinence (UI) and improve quality of life.”

– Seipel Group

Effects Within Weeks of Use!

“Urox, with crateva, horsetail and lindera, improves symptoms of urinary incontinence, urgency, frequency and nocturia within weeks of use.”

– Seipel Group

Where To Buy Confitrol24 In Australia

Buyers in Australia and New Zealand can order directly from the official website. The makers have Worldwide distribution in place and orders are sent out from local distribution hubs

A months supply will cost you AU $ 87.12

There are several other packages available, basically the more you buy the more you save:

  • Buy 2 months supply for AU$ 159.73
  • Buy 3 months supply for AU$ 225.08
  • Buy 6 months supply For AU$ 421.13

Buy a years supply for AU$ 580.88

Shipping is fast and discreet throughout the region.

Get Your Money Back If It Doesn’t Work For You

The makers of Confitrol24 ofer a full 67 day cash back guarantee on all orders, all they ask is that you take the product for 60 days, if after that period you are unhappy with the results, you have another 7 days to return the empty bottles and any unused products for a full refund.

To Sum Up

You do not have to suffer the indignity, embarrassment and worry of not knowing if you are going to urinate while out and about without warning.

Confitrol24 offers a natural and clinically proven supplement that will help reduce the risk and worry of incontinence.

We have no hesitation in recommending this to all our readers.

You Can Click Here To Go To The Official Confitrol24 Website

**Source – *Schoendorfer N, Sharp N, Seipel T, Schauss AG, Ahuja KDK. Urox® containing concentrated extracts of Crataeva nurvala stem bark, Equisetum arvense stem and Lindera aggregata root, in the treatment of symptoms of overactive bladder and urinary incontinence: a phase 2, randomised, double-blind placebo controlled trial. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2018;18(1):42. Published 2018 Jan 31. doi:10.1186/s12906-018-2101-4

The information in this website is for advice and guidance only. It is based on my own intensive research and personal experiences, and is not intended in any way to replace professional medical advice, or to diagnose or treat any health conditions. All rights reserved.